If you're unable to find a suitable date to attend a workshop or if they are full, please get in touch. I can add you to my interest list. I can offer alternative dates if there is enough interest.
Introducing: Starting solids with a baby led approach
The details: -
2 hour online baby led weaning workshop ​
Delivered live by a registered children's dietitian you will have access to a recording of the workshop until your baby is a year old)
Ideal for parents of babies between 4 and 8 months old​
Real food demonstrations, videos, photos, practical tips and ideas
Post workshop: -
Summary handouts, a recipe booklet and meal ideas emailed to your inbox
1 hour live Q and A session (usually 2/3 months post workshop)
What we'll cover: -
What a baby led weaning approach is, so you can support your baby's eating through their early years
What to expect in the first few weeks, so that you can avoid worrying if your baby is eating enough
Baby development and how babies learn to eat, so you can understand how to support your baby and reduce the risk of choking
How food complements breastfeeding/bottle feeding, so you can feel reassured that you baby is getting the nutrition they need
Size of first foods and food preparation, so that you can offer food simply and easily
How to adapt family meals for baby led weaning, so you don't have to make separate meals for your baby
Introducing potential allergenic foods, so you know what to do if you identify a reaction
What we'll cover in the Q and A:-
Your baby's progress since starting solids, all baby's are unique in their development and so this will be different for each parent.
How to keep supporting your baby using a baby led approach as they grow and develop their eating skills further.
How to keep the momentum going to nurture your baby's ongoing relationship with food.
Any questions or concerns that have arisen since the workshop